This script places the Caesar cipher in a loop. This will allow you to type entire words for encrypting/decrypting! It still also works with single characters if that’s all you want to encrypt.
Example script: caesar_terminal_words
- Enter and save caesar_terminal_words, then flash it into the micro:bit.
# caesar_terminal_words from microbit import * sleep(1000) print("Set your keyboard to CAPS LOCK.") print() while True: text = input("Enter key: ") key = int(text) word = input("Enter character(s) in A...Z range: ") alpha = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" result = "" for letter in word: letter = letter.upper() index = ( alpha.find(letter) + key ) % 26 result = result + alpha[index] print("result:", result) print()
- Open the terminal and follow the prompts. Valid keys are from -25 to 25.
- Try encrypting HELLO with the key set to 5.
- Try decrypting MJQQT with the key set to -5.
- Write a short message for your friend or lab partner and give them the key to decrypt it.
How caesar_terminal_words Works
Inside the while True loop, the script stores a number you enter into an int variable named key. Then, it stores a word you type in a string variable named word.
text = input("Enter key: ") key = int(text) word = input("Enter character(s) in A...Z range: ")
In addition to the alpha (alphabet) string, a second empty string named result is created to store the result.
After that, a for… loop goes through each letter in the plaintext string. After making sure the letter is upper-case, it applies the Caesar cipher with two lines. The first finds the index of the new character with index = ( alpha.find(letter) + key ) % 26. The second adds the character to whatever is already in the ciphertext string with result = result + alpha[index].
for letter in word: letter = letter.upper() index = ( alpha.find(letter) + key ) % 26 result = result + alpha[index]
Before repeating the loop, the ciphertext is printed to the terminal.
print("result: ", result)